
Master your Smartphone in 24 Hours

An Illustrated Guide to All Features and Apps for your Android Mobile

Sushrut Kulkarni

Mr. & Mrs. Deshpande did buy a smartphone because their son insisted on it. But they were scared that they would press the wrong key or make some mistake, and so could not really enjoy all the features of their Android phone.
But within a short span they were taking pictures, downloading Apps, playing games, and spending hours on WhatsApp. They couldn’t let go of their phones ! This magical change happened due to their new friend – Master your Smartphone !
This friend taught them how to:

  • Assemble your brand-new smartphone
  • Save Contacts and form Groups
  • Send text messages, and group messages
  • Keep your phone on ‘Silent’ mode when attending any programme
  • Connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network
  • Send an email and attach a File to it
  • Shoot a photograph or a video and share it
  • Use Apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook
  • Shop online…and many other things !

The innumerable small but important tips given in this book turned the Deshpandes into tech-savvy smartphone users. Come ! Join the Deshpandes, and keep up with Generation Smart !

315 978-81-932936-5-2 Master your Smartphone in 24 Hours An Illustrated Guide to All Features and Apps for your Android Mobile Sushrut Kulkarni Mr. & Mrs. Deshpande did buy a smartphone because their son insisted on it. But they were scared that they would press the wrong key or make some mistake, and so could not really enjoy all the features of their Android phone.
But within a short span they were taking pictures, downloading Apps, playing games, and spending hours on WhatsApp. They couldn’t let go of their phones ! This magical change happened due to their new friend – Master your Smartphone !
This friend taught them how to:
Assemble your brand-new smartphone
Save Contacts and form Groups
Send text messages, and group messages
Keep your phone on ‘Silent’ mode when attending
Connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network
Send an email and attach a File to it
Shoot a photograph or a video and share it
Use Apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook
Shop online…and many other things !
The innumerable small but important tips
given in this book turned the Deshpandes into tech-savvy smartphone users.
Come ! Join the Deshpandes, and keep up with Generation Smart !
Paper Back Books Rohan Prakashan English 136 20.5 13.4 0.8 180
The innumerable small but important tips given in this book turned the Deshpandes into tech-savvy smartphone users. Come! Join the Deshpandes, and keep up with Generation Smart!
Utility उपयुक्त Informative माहितीपर English 149 MasterYourSmartphoneIn24Hours English Smartphone English_backBC.jpg
Weight 180 g
Dimensions 20.5 × 13.4 × 0.8 cm


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