Rohan Prakashan has created its mark with high content and production quality and creative cover designs and page layouts. It cares for quality in every respect, may it be the Text, its Editing, its Aesthetic Presentation or the actual Book Production.
Rohan Prakashan is always in search of innovative topics for the books. In respect of the choice of publishing the books, subjects of social interest, social awareness, utility, have always been appealed. Alongwith with these, it loves to be associated with topics of information, art and culture for the books.
It believes in a different work culture which consists of free idea exchange, healthy working conditions and independent responsibility.
With an aspiration of continual improvement towards all these factors alongwith increasing the capacity, Rohan Prakashan would love to be associated with different Authors, Editors, Journalist, Artists, Designers or sales people – who are like minded in different ways.