Mountain-Men SHERPA

True Daredevils of Himalaya

Umesh Zirpe

Mountains are the source of inspiration for those who brave the bone chilling temperature, endless snowfields, bottomless crevasses, thin layer of oxygen, steep rock walls and unpredictable weather, and make their way to the top of the world.
This journey to the top of the world is next to impossible without the support of Sherpas, sons and daughters of the great Himalayas.. true lifelines of high altitude mountaineering.
Sherpas pave the road in snowfields, bridge the gap on crevasses with ladders, cook the healthiest meals for mountaineers in possibly the harshest weather on the higher altitudes.
They are the rescuers, they are the guides, they are friends, they are the Sherpas!
They know Himalaya better than anyone else.
Nowadays, Sherpas have ventured into several other fields and are triumphing it like never before. Umesh Zirpe, the renowned mountaineer, who has spent significant time with Sherpas, has shed a light on the lives of such Sherpas who have carved their ways from extreme destitute to reaching remarkable heights of glories. Experience the interesting world of Mountain-Men Sherpa.

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Joy Of Mountaineering

A Beginner’s Guide for Children

Umesh Zirpe

Who doesn’t like to wander around?

Breathing in some fresh air,

roaming through pastures, walking along rivers are all a source of great joy.

You do like to explore hills and valleys, or forests, don’t you?

You get to learn so many new things when you are on a trek!

Different kinds of rocks… different varieties of soil… rivers and streams…trees, vines, and birds… a new world opens up for you.

Noted mountaineer and leader of many successful mountaineering expeditions, including Mt Everest expedition, Umesh Zirpe guides the reader through various aspects of mountaineering and preparation it requires.

Children not only would benefit from this information for improving their health and personality but also would love to experience the joy of mountaineering.

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सोळाव्या वर्षीच माउन्ट एव्हरेस्ट फत्ते!

अर्जुन वाजपेयी
अनुवाद: सुमती कानिटकर

दोन महिन्यांच्या कठोर परिश्रमानंतर २२ मे २०१० रोजी सोळा वर्षांचा अर्जुन वाजपेयी जगाच्या सर्वोच्च शिखरावर उभा होता! त्यावेळेस एव्हरेस्ट सर करणारा तो सर्वात तरुण (नॉन-शेरपा) गिर्यारोहक ठरला होता. अनेक वर्षं जोपासलेलं असं अशक्यप्राय स्वप्न अर्जुनने त्याच्या दुर्दम्य इच्छाशक्तीने पूर्ण केलं होतं…
हे अनुभवकथन थेट अर्जुनच्याच शब्दात असल्यामुळे ते वाचताना वाचकही त्याच्याबरोबर एव्हरेस्ट मोहिमेवर निघतो, त्याच्याबरोबर ते सर्व कठीण टप्पे पार करतो आणि अक्षरश: एका धाडसी गिर्यारोहकाचं आयुष्यच जगतो!
केवळ गिर्यारोहणात रस असणाऱ्यांसाठीच नव्हे तर सर्व तरुणांसाठी हे पुस्तक म्हणजे कठोर परिश्रम, चिकाटी आणि धाडस याचं सर्वोत्तम उदाहरण आहे. एक अतिशय सामान्य असा सोळा वर्षांचा गिर्यारोहक अशक्यप्राय स्वप्न धाडसाने आणि जिद्दीने कसं पूर्ण करतो याचं चित्तथरारक अनुभवकथन… ‘सोळाव्या वर्षीच माउन्ट एव्हरेस्ट फत्ते!’

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